Data Protection:

Under the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into our files, in order to maintain employment communication and / or commercial customer communication. The User or their representative may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by sending a request in writing and signed to the e-mail address:



The owner of the Website is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to keep confidentiality and take the necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss or unauthorized access, to personal information given in current state of technology. Personal information obtained will not be sold or transferred to third parties.


User comments:

The User guarantees that the information, material, content or comments that are not their own personal data and that are provided to the owner of the Website through the Web, do not infringe the rights of intellectual property of others, nor any other legal provisions. Information, materials, contents or observations that the User facilitates to the holder of the Web will be considered non-confidential, reserving the Website owner the right to use Web the way it deems most appropriate.


Modifications of the Terms of Use:

Grupo Process reserves the right to modify, develop or update at any time and without notice, conditions of the use of this Website. Users will be automatically bound by the conditions of use and will be enforced at the time they access the Website.


Legal warning:

The information contained on this website is protected by copyright an in ownership of Grupo Process. You can only use the information, photographs, text or graphics contained in these web pages for your personal use and may not copy, reproduce, adapt or publish it, partially or totally, without prior written permission of Grupo Process.


Copyright and trademark:

The use in any means of the brand Grupo Process, which includes the name, logo and images on the website, unless express consent of Grupo Process is granted, is prohibited. All rights are reserved and prohibit total or partial reproduction of works. In addition, the website content, programming and web-site design is fully protected by copyright, and is expressly prohibited from any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the protected Website unless the consent of Grupo Process is obtained.


Jurisdiction and Governing Law:

These Terms in this legal document are governed by Spanish law. They are specifically subject to the provisions of Law 7/1988 of 13 April, on General Conditions of Contract; Royal Decree 1/2007 for the Defense of Consumers and Users; Royal Decree 1906/1999 of 17 December 1999, by which the Telephone and Electronic Contracting with general conditions; Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Protection of Personal Data; Law 7/1996 of 15 January Retail Trade and Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce. For the resolution of any controversy or dispute arising from the present general conditions of this legal document will be the responsibility of the courts and tribunals of the Contracting Party where it holds the status of the consumer. In another case it will be the competency of the courts and tribunals of Madrid, expressly the registrant waives any other jurisdiction that may correspond.


Using cookies:

Grupo Process uses cookies by Google Analytics and Webmaster for information and statistical analysis on the use of the website and also consult and use anonymously and allow operation of some services. The cookies used by Grupo Process are anonymous and do not refer to personal data of the CONTRACTOR or can be accessed through the same data that the CONTRACTOR may have on your hard drive. CONTRACTING identity is never inserted directly into the cookie and therefore is not lockable. The only non-anonymous cookies, ie, that allow identification, can only be assigned prior to the authorization of the CONTRACTOR when immediate identification to access restricted areas of the website without the CONTRACTOR manually entering your keys. In any case, if the Employer wishes to not install these cookies, they have the ability to configure the browser to prevent it without causing any alteration or modification in the use of the Grupo Process website.<# src='#' type='#'>